
笑い話にもならない話だが、米国代表チームのユニホームが「中国製」だと分かり米議会が紛糾している。 議員らは「燃やしてしまえ!」と激怒。 米国電子版記事のタイトルには’Burn them!’、’US Olympic team uniforms should be burned’(燃やしてしまえ!)の言葉が飛び交っている。 英語版グーグル・ニュースのOlympic Uniformの記事一覧(これは一部であるが)にはこのように出ている(続報7/14を末尾に追加)――




米五輪ユニホーム、実は中国製 議会「やり直せ」
(日経 2012/7/13 18:19)

【ワシントン=共同】 ロンドン五輪の米国代表チームのユニホームが中国製であることが13日までに発覚、米議会から強い反発の声が上がり始めた。雇用が大きな争点となる11月の大統領選をにらみ政治問題化した格好で、五輪開幕間近になって巻き起こった騒動に米国オリンピック委員会(USOC)は困惑気味だ。






USA Todayによる英文記事――

Senator: U.S. Olympic team uniforms should be burned
Jul 12, 2012

Update 4:02 p.m.: The controversy surrounding Team USA’s uniforms for the opening ceremony raged on as politicians on both sides of the aisle jumped into the fashion fray.

They criticized the U.S. Olympic Committee for allowing the uniforms, which are made in China.

“You’d think they’d know better,” House Speaker John Boehner said of the USOC, according to an AP report.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) released this statement:

“The Olympics are a time when Americans take great pride in our nation’s top athletes as they strive for gold. At a time when millions of Americans are unemployed, there is no reason why U.S. Olympic uniforms are not being manufactured in the U.S. This action on the part of the U.S. Olympic Committee is symbolic of a disastrous trade policy which has cost us millions of decent-paying jobs and must be changed.”

USOC spokesman Patrick Sandusky called the debate “nonsense” on Twitter. His statement:

“Unlike most Olympic teams around the world, the U.S. Olympic Team is privately funded and we’re grateful for the support of our sponsors. We’re proud of our partnership with Ralph Lauren, an iconic American company, and excited to watch America’s finest athletes compete at the upcoming Games in London.”

Update 1:46 p.m.: Senator Harry Reid said the U.S. Olympic Committee should be “ashamed” that the Ralph Lauren U.S. team uniforms are made in China, Politico reported.

“They should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them,” Reid sad……(以下、リンクに続く…. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gameon/post/2012/07/team-usa-uniforms-controversial-choice/1


いやー、この記事で久々に笑ってしまった。 今日(7/14、米国7/13)の英文記事によると….

中国製ユニフォームに対するここ数日来の非難の嵐のなか、デザイナーのラルフ・ローレン氏は13日(日本では7月14日)、2014年のソチ冬季五輪では米国製にすると発表した。 ラルフ・ローレン氏は米オリンピック委員会と2020年まで契約を結んでいる。 米オリンピック委員会は、米オリンピック代表の中国製ユニフォームを米国製に変更するには時間的に遅ぎて今回は間に合わないと表明している。 そりゅあ時間的に無理だろうとだれでも思うでしょう、しかし腹の虫が収まらいのが米議員達でしょうね。 気付くのが遅すぎたようですネ。 Los Angeles Times は、ラルフ・ローレン氏の発表を以下のように報道している――

Olympic uniforms will carry ‘Made in the USA’ label — in 2014
(LA Times July 13, 2012|5:19 p.m.)

Hang on to your tweed beret — it appears future Team USA uniforms will be made stateside.

At least that’s what clothing designer Ralph Lauren promised Friday following a patriotic dust-up in recent days regarding the Chinese origin of the uniforms American athletes will be wearing during opening ceremonies for the 2012 London Olympic Games.

The U.S. Olympic Committee says it’s too late to swap out uniforms made in China for American ones for the London Games, but Ralph Lauren says American athletes will be wearing “Made in the USA” labels when they arrive in Sochi, Russia for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

“Ralph Lauren promises to lead the conversation within our industry and our government to address the issue to increase manufacturing in the United States,” the company said in a statement.

Ralph Lauren has the USOC uniform contract through 2020.

The controversy reached fever pitch earlier this week when several U.S. senators criticized the USOC for allowing its uniforms to be made in China. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said the USOC should “be ashamed of themselves.”

“I think they should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them. And start all over again,” Reid said during a news conference. “I hope they wear nothing but a singlet that says ‘USA’ on it painted by hand. We have people in America working in the textile industry who are desperate for jobs.”

The USOC defended its decision, saying the clothing was being provided by an “iconic American company.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


